

Thursday, November 21, 2013

10 things

I've been struggling to find things to write about lately.  I've still been feeling a little down about the loss of my best little bud.  I've been busy with work, school, and life in general.  Writing doesn't come naturally to me, and until I started this blog, wasn't something I particularly enjoyed.  I've been thinking for a while it would be fun to share some things about myself that most people would not know.  Part of the reason I started this blog was to feel more comfortable talking about myself and who I am.  A lot of who I am now is a runner, but that wasn't always the case.  In fact, I used to hate running!

So, with that being said, here are 10 random things about myself, that unless you grew up with me, or know me very well, probable do not know.

1.  Before I moved to NH in 6th grade, I lived in the tiny little town of Plympton, MA.  Not many people have heard of it.  It's on the South Shore.  It used to be a part of Plymouth, MA, where the Pilgrims landed.  I lived in a house with a lake out back.  I spent many summer days swimming in that lake, and ice skating in the winter.  There was this great hill that lead down to the (very small) beach that was great for sledding.  I loved that house and was VERY sad when we left it.

forcing my pug to join me in the water…
he wasn't a fan I don't think

2.  I love pugs.  Ok, that's probably pretty obvious, but what you may not know is that I have had 4 of them.  When I was in elementary school, my friend brought in her pug for show and tell.  It was love at first site of that curly tail and smushy face.  From that day on I begged and begged my mom to let us get a pug.  Finally, one day we went in to a pet store and there was one there…on sale.  That pug came home with us that day and we named him Willie (pictured above).  Not long after we got a second one (pugs seem to always need a pair), named Elmo.  Most recently I had Manny and my mom had Mack…

Manny (in the back) and Mack <3 miss these dudes

3.  I was the state champion on beam in level 6.  Gymnastics was my first love.

4.  I played softball from 7th grade through my senior year in high school.  I stopped doing gymnastics year round in 7th grade, and wanted another sport to do.  I thought I could play softball, although I never had on a team before.  I was told by my friends that the softball team was hard to make, and not many 7th graders (the first year you could try out) were usually picked.  I decided to try out anyways and made the team.  We were undefeated that year and won the championship.  I played 3rd base in high school, was on the varsity team for 3 years, and captain my senior year.  I miss playing softball.


Pretty sure I was called out on this one…
but I like the picture.

5.  I cheered for a year in college.  This is not something I am particularly proud to admit, but it's true.  I had a couple of friends on the team, one of which who also used to do gymnastics.  She told me they went to a gym and tumbled once a week, and I should sign up.  So, I did and actually had a lot of fun, until I hurt my knee and had to sit on the sidelines and cheer…for the cheerleaders.

That's me on the left

6.  I am still in school working towards my Bachelor Degree in nursing.  For the longest time I had NO idea what I wanted to do.  I went to college right out of High School, like I thought I had to.  To make a long story short, I wasn't happy and left after 2 1/2 years.  I worked for a while and then started taking classes online for a business/human resource degree.  I didn't love it.  I finally decided I wanted to go back to school full time to be a nurse.  I loved it.  I completed two years at Rivier College and graduated with an Associate Degree in May, 2012.  I took a semester off after that to work and try to save money. After that I enrolled in the online RN to BSN program at Plymouth State University, and that is where I am now.  I am beginning to think I will be in school forever.

my mom and I on graduation day

7.  I have been to probably 25-30 Dave Matthews Band concerts.  I stopped counting after a while.  I love them (obviously).  I go to mostly local shows (NH, MA, CT), but I have gone to see them in Montreal, PA, and NY as well.  I'm pretty sure as long as they keep playing, I'll be going to see them play.  I want to plan a trip to the Gorge to see them asap.

8.  I am afraid of geese.  When I was little my mom and I would often go to this duck pond to feed the ducks.  It was one of my favorite things to do.  One day, I was down feeding the ducks, when all of a sudden I felt a hard pinch on my bum.  It was a goose.  I guess he wasn't happy to see me.  Since then, I avoid geese at all costs.

This was in the local paper, I was 3, almost 4. 

9.  I learned to ski when I was 3.  My dad has always been a big skier, and was a ski instructor as well. So, when I was three he took me to this place called Blue Hills, walked me up the hill, placed me down, told me to wait, he skied down a bit, and gave me the ok to ski to him.  I've been skiing ever since.

Sharing in school…1989

10.  I refuse to have a fake Christmas tree.  When I was living at home, I made sure we always had a real tree in the house.  Recently my boyfriend, Ryan, and I were talking about getting a tree for our apartment.  He mentioned a fake tree…I refused.  We'll be getting a real tree.   

I made my mom buy this tree because it was my size.
We had a big tree and my tree.
I think this began my love for real Christmas Trees.  

So, there you have it.  10 things about me you may not have known before.  Tell me, what's one thing I probably don't know about you?? 


  1. Blue Hills? In Massachusetts? I used to go there all the time with my Nana! We didn't ski, but we would go to the park with all the animals. I miss it there and would love to go back some day.

    I cheered for a year in High School as well and I feel super embarrassed about it, I felt really uncomfortable while I was doing it too, I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea. AND, I love softball, I miss it so much!

    I love this post, I might have to do one similar :)

    1. Yes! Blue Hills in Mass!! That's so funny :) I still drive by it going down to visit family from time to time. It's funny how small it looks now compared to how big I once thought it was!

      Looking forward to the Turkey Trot next week!

  2. Funny fact about me: I've never had a REAL Christmas tree!! My mom had a nightmare once (before I was born) that their apartment went up in flames from a tree, so she stopped getting them. Then, when I moved out, I got a cheap little Target tree that's pre-strung with lights. At this point, I'll probably never have a real tree :)

    1. Aww I hope you at least spray it with Christmas tree scent! That's why I love real trees so much :) I am way too excited to get one this year!

  3. omg this made me miss leos and schrunchies! level 6 - the year of learning the big back walkover and that handstand straddle down!

    1. The dreaded handstand straddle down! flyaways and back tucks... Ahh the glory days.

  4. Love the gymnastics photos, I have never done it but LOVE watching it. Funny you cheered in college, I know a lot of the OSU cheerleaders were also gymnasts and that's how they started there. My gymnast friend was recruited by them but didn't end up cheering, she came to the marching band with us. Woo!
